Why Hire a SEO Company to Perform Manual Directory Submission

Manual directory submission can be a tiring process. You have to go from directory to directory and click on the Submit button. After that, you have to fill in the details of your website in the submission page. To finish the site submission, you have to sit in front of the computer for many hours. Sitting in front of the computer will cause your back and shoulder to suffer from aching pain. Before you can submit to the directories, you need to find a directory list. The directory list can be found by entering the keyword -list of web directories- in the search engine. Many of the directory lists that are published on the internet have invalid links. You have the click through each URL in the list to verify if the directory is valid. Some directories require you to register an account with them. Some people don’t know how to submit their sites. As a result, they have low approval rate. In addition, it takes away your time to perform other things. If you are a work at home housewife, you will find yourself have insufficient time to look after your children. By letting the SEO company handle the submission, you will have plenty time to do your own things. You can rest at home or go out to perform recreational activities.

If you feel manual directory submission is troublesome, you should hire the SEO company. The SEO company are familiar with directory submission because they already have perform it for a lot of clients. When hiring SEO company, make sure you check their portfolios. The portfolio should show a directory submission approval rate of 95% and above. The staffs are aware about all the submission rules of each directory. Therefore, they are able to guaranteed good approval rate.

When hiring a SEO company, make sure you do research on different SEO companies and perform price comparison. You should choose the SEO company that offers the cheapest price. If the directory submission service has an unbelievable price, you should avoid it. Most cheap directory submission service are performed by using an automated tool. The automated directory submission will get your site blacklisted and banned from the search engine. Even though automated submission is cheap, it is not worth the value of your money. The SEO company which you hire should offer the submission service at a reasonable price. You should use the search engine to find the SEO company. It is not recommended that you use free classified sites such as Craiglist to find directory submission service. It is best to buy directory submission service from a company that has website because they are more reliable. The SEO company must be able to deliver the submission report within the promised timeframe.

If the SEO company allows you to use a variety of titles and description, it will be a plus for your site. Using a variety of titles and description ensures that your directory listing will get indexed and rank in the search result.

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