Today times have changed and you have to be present on a smart device, either as a website or as an app. The reason is simple! The facts and figures show how smart devices are being exploited by consumers who are always on the go.
Whether it is to pay money, transfer money or just to browse a few pages, most people use their smart phones. Your audience is present on smart phones, and that is the main reason why you cannot neglect it either.
While you are designing a mobile web design, you need to consider a few points. Here are those points that will help you develop the ideal mobile website for your Magento store.
Who is your Target?
Magento is a platform that derives pleasure out of developing fully functional and customized stores. When you are adopting to mobile trends using Magento, you need to know who your audience is. You need to know their ways and trends in order to prepare the perfect mobile web design for them.
End Users are Important
Whenever you are designing a mobile website, you need to take into consideration the users of this website. You should ideally test the web design on your mobile as well as on the clients mobile. Check with the client in case he wishes for some changes. Magento is an absolutely delightful platform that offers exciting templates and themes to work on. Make sure your design adapts to the needs.
Decide Screen Resolution
The devices are available in many sizes and shapes. You will need to choose a theme that matches all the various styles of devices. Make sure you select from one of Magentos very own responsive theme. Magento is known to develop many mobile based responsive themes and this is exciting for you as a designer.
Check for Popularity of Mobile Websites
Many times you tend to make the mistake of designing a mobile website based on just an illusion of facts. Not all Magento based websites need to be converted to mobile web designs. This is something you need to keep in mind while designing a mobile web design. Make sure your website needs a mobile web design and people are actually checking for it. You will know it from the Magentos in built statistics.
Analytics Help Choose Devices
Magento offers a good analytics dimension that you can use to work for your best. You can, based on the analytics data, define the kind of devices you need to focus on. You will need to check on the OS you need to define, the versions you should ideally use and the screen sizes you are aiming at, if you are not using responsive designs.
Whats your Business Objective?
Your business objective helps you construct the best possible web design. It will be related to the kind of website you are building as well as in suggesting the theme for your website. The objective should be on priority so that you know what kind of website you will build for smart phones.
Going Responsive
As has been mentioned earlier, there is emphasis on responsive designs in the modern times. You should choose a Magento theme for your mobile website that works seamlessly without any reservations on mobile size and resolution. Responsive is the answer to building websites without involving efforts. You need to ensure that the Magento site is aped well in the mobile format and this can be done only when you choose responsive designs.
While you are building the perfect mobile website for your Magento based ecommerce store, you should replicate all these design considerations. This will help you develop the right site that will get your conversions.