How about building e-commerce sites, how can IMeye help?
Let’s say you want to build an e-commerce site and drive traffic through SEO. We know and we have seen a ton of profitable e-commerce sites because of NichBlueprintand the one thing they all have in common is the fact that none of them sold things that have never been sold online before the sites were developed, they just had an in, a way to get traffic to something that we already knew was profitable online, so can imeye find those, the answer is yes.
The way you would do that using imeye is by starting with the monthly searches, set this to a minimum of fifteen thousand, which is about five hundred a day.
When looking for an ecommerce opportunity you need to be able to compete quickly so you need to set the competing pages to a maximum of two hundred and fifty thousand. Also in addition to the competing pages you need to make sure the in title completion is reasonable so you need to set this at twenty five thousand.
Now tell imeye to search for ecommerce keyword only, the ones that people are selling commercial goods on because it is pretty rare that you will build an profitable ecommerce site around a product that has never been sold online before, so let’s just take the guess work out of it and only look at keywords that people are already successfully selling stuff online.
Next is the keyword length, let’s go long tail. This is not absolute but typically the longer the keyword phrase the more targeted it is, so you only want to look at keyword phrases with at least four words.
Imeye will return pages and pages of opportunities; the next thing to do is sort the results by the highest volumes first. If you have watched the video that accompanies this article you will know that we blacked out the actual results because it would not be fair on the people who are paying to use imeye but I will reveal one of the keyword phrases for you now, it is “finding toys battery powered” the monthly searches for this very targeted keyword phrase is 165 thousand, that’s about 5 thousand searches a day, the competing pages is only 17 thousand 9 hundred and the in title competition results are shockingly low. People are already selling products online for this keyword phrase and what is even better is the fact that Amazon are not involved so you don’t have to compete with them.
I would like to add that on a scale of 1 to 10 on as far as how easy these are to compete with, these keywords are way down there in the lower scale, these are your 0 to 4 on how hard they are to compete for, maybe even 0 to 2, especially when you see competing pages at less than 250 thousand and in title results less than 25 thousand, these are some of the easiest keywords to compete with on an SEO perspective.
Now you can imagine how addictive and fun it is to have IMeye continuously spit out these great e-commerce opportunities and as you can imagine I have spent many hours doing exactly that.